For most of us, MD 20/20 has (and always will be) known as Mad Dog 20/20. But it has been revealed by a viral picture doing the rounds social media that the MD stands for something that few people in the UK expected.
My whole life I thought MD was MAD DOG 2020 #md2020
— Cap10E (@e_cap10) January 21, 2018
Owned and made by a New York based wine company, the MD refers to the company name, Mogen David rather than the commonly perceived 'Mad Dog'.
People took to social media to express their shock at this revelation.
I'm shook. #maddog2020
— get on the drums, ro (@oscar_pope) January 21, 2018
@SouRgrapeS417 #ItMakesMeAnxiousWhen I find a new #MandelaEffect #MD2020
— George (@Fight_Da_Future) January 22, 2018
Although MD 20/20 has been enjoyed in Scotland for years, it is not as fondly known or remembered in its home country of America and is often referred to as 'bum wine', a term used to describe any fortified, high alcohol, low cost drink.
Second only to Buckfast as our favourite tonic wine, the brightly coloured MD 20/20 is available in a range of interesting sounding flavours such as Banana Red, Strawberry-Kiwi, Dragonfruit and Electric Melon.
When Electric Melon flavour was first released in 2019, fans of MD 20/20 were queuing to get their hands on it and some shops had to limited the number of bottles sold to each customer.
Mogen David, which was founded in Chicago in 1933, started out making kosher wine using sweet grapes that you'd normally fine in jam and some soft drinks.
After competition from Gallo, Mogen David started making MD 20/20 and, according to Bryan Dent at Brutal Hammer: “No source that I have found […] can say exactly when it appeared or how it was received. Mad Dog just showed up.”
There's also uncertainty in how and why MD 20/20 ended up in Scotland but it took off in 90s alco-pop culture although at 13% it's much stronger that Hooch and Smirnoff Ice. In comparison, Buckfast (known as 'wreck the hoose juice' due to its alcohol, sugar and caffeine content) is 15%.
MD 20/20 has fallen out of favour in America, and you'll struggle to buy it there but it remains popular with people in Scotland. And, no matter what the real name is, it'll always be Mad Dog 20/20 to us!