Wanted: Idyllic Scottish island seeks new team to takeover tearoom

The community on the Isle of Muck is looking for a team to run the island's longstanding craft shop and tearoom.

Published 21st Nov 2019
Updated 9 th Aug 2023

Central to island life for almost 40 years, the tearoom and craft shop attracts a high number of tourists throughout the summer season as well as islanders all year round.

As well as being an established tearoom serving an array of homemade cakes, light lunches and sweet treats, the shop has become a haven for local crafts including jewellery, wicker produce, knitted items and ceramics.

The new team will also have the opportunity to build on the currently weekly 'pub night' by offering evening meal service.

A three bedroom bungalow located in Port Mor close to the tearoom, school and ferry terminal is the rental accommodation is available for anyone interested in taking on the tearoom and shop and starting a new island life.

Posting on Gallanach Lodge's social media, the advert says: "We are looking for a motivated, dynamic person/couple/family to take on and expand the business, which is a focal point for people visiting the island. For more background information on the island please visit www.isleofmuck.com

"Interested parties should apply in the first instant either by email to marymacewen@hotmail.com or in writing to Gallanach Lodge, Isle of Muck, By Mallaig, PH41 2RP.

"For further information call 01687462365 Applicants should include a CV, and the reason why this exciting opportunity appeals to them.

"Shortlisted applicants will be invited to come and stay on the island, see the business and house, and meet the community."

The Isle of Muck is an island on the west coast of Scotland that forms part of the Small Isles, with the neighbouring islands of Canna, Eigg and Rum.

How Bonnie & Wild in Edinburgh's St James Quarter has changed public perception of the food court

Known for cake making, experimental jam recipes, Champagne, whisky and gin drinking (and the inability to cook Gnocchi), Rosalind is the Food and Drink Editor and whisky writer for The Scotsman, as well as hosting Scran, The Scotsman's food and drink podcast.
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