Harris gin has become one of the most popular brands of Scottish gin since it launch in 2015. Since then, it has been available to order online and, at one stage, was so popular that a rationing process was put in place due to lack of their signature bottles.
Infused with hand-dived sugar kelp seaweed, the gin has a distinctive taste and comes from the same distillery that is set to launch a £400 a bottle single malt whisky which will be named named “The Hearach” – the Gaelic word for an inhabitant of Harris.
Now the brand have teamed up with a range of businesses on the mainland to set up a 'click and collect' service.
Customers who want their gin immediately can simply go online, order a bottle and then collect from a nearby local partner.
Harris Gin say: "We always strive to deal directly with our customers but we realise that many of you would love to get hold of our Isle of Harris Gin without delay.
"So we are setting up a special network of bottle depositories across the UK to help us to connect with you a little quicker."
There's a handy map on their website, which shows the click and collection options and also restaurants and bars that stock the gin - in case you'd rather have your G&T mixed for you.