The average person throws out more than half a loaf of bread every month and three-quarters of all bread that is binned has simply not been used in time, Love Food Hate Waste said.
A survey of 1000 UK consumers aged between 18 and 34 found 69 per cent throw bread away every week and 26 per cent know they can make toast straight from frozen bread but do not do it.
More than half of people (56 per cent) eat bread at least four days a week, the poll found, and 31 per cent eat it every day.
About three in five (61 per cent) of those surveyed, when told that it takes a year to produce bread from field to fork, said they would be more likely to freeze it to reduce waste.
Sarah Clayton, from Love Food Hate Waste, said: "We can all do our bit to bin less bread by popping it in the freezer to keep it for much longer, and you can even use bread straight from the freezer to make toast without needing to defrost it first."
According to Zero Waste Scotland Scottish households throw away 630,000 tonnes of food waste every year, over two thirds of which could be avoided with better planning, storage and management.
Bread accounts for over 20 per cent of avoidable food waste, with the total amount of waste costing the Scottish public over £1 billion every year.