Each basket is priced at £20.67 and contains a bottle, a half bottle, a can and two miniatures. Shirley Broadfoot came up with the idea at her Broomburn Wines store in Motherwell, before posting it on the shop's Facebook page.
Surprisingly the baskets sold out in less than 24 hours, with growing demand for more.
In an interview with the National newspaper on Friday (4th Decmeber), Ms. Broadfoot said: "We sell a lot of Buckfast and all year round we do gift wrap, normally we just do single bottles, but I got a lot of baskets from one of our other stores that had closed down, so, I just thought I would try something different. In the last 24 hours we’ve sold 36.”
Though the gift packs are currently out of stock, Ms. Broadfoot confirmed she has more on the way.