The staff at 1051 GWR in the west end of the city are also appealing for local residents to collect meals and deliver them to vulnerable neighbours in the area.
GWR started making meals for NHS staff at the nearby Gartnavel Hospital. Picture: John Devlin
The eatery, which is located on Great Western Road, will also be making food for homeless hostels around Glasgow and is preparing nearly 800 meals each day including soups, pasta and fresh pizzas.
Owner David Maguire said they were contacted by some NHS staff from the nearby Gartnavel Hospital after their canteen was closed and the project has now grown arms and legs with the GWR team now working with 10 charities including a local Foodbank in Drumchapel.
The team are working with 10 charities who collect and deliver meals for those in need, Picture: John Devlin
David said his team were working flat out with his head chef Steven Caputa leading from the front, after receiving calls from around the city and queues - with strict social distancing guidelines in place - regularly forming out the door.
The 300 or so meals they are making for local charities has seen designated cars arrive and leave filled with pizzas and soups for those that need them.
David added: "The people receiving meals are aware that they are getting them as a result of the public making a contribution towards the cost. The feedback we are most aware of is that people are really pleased that their community is trying to help them.
"So its not just the physical meal they are enjoying, its the mental boost of knowing other people appreciate them."
To help the project, people have been making donations into a bucket on-site, while those looking to donate to help pay towards meals for those in need can do so via a special Go Fund Me page that can be found here.
David said: "We have had lots of lovely feedback and would like to continue to feed 500 people per day over this 21 day lockdown period but we need your help. Lots of people have asked how they can donate to this and we have decided to set up this Go Fund Me page to make it easy for people to support.
"100 per cent of whatever we raise will go to 'raw materials', (food costs and packaging). A donation of £3 will allow us to provide a 'Soup & Pizza' or 'Soup & Pasta' for one person and our target is to continue to feed 500 people per day who need it most in our community for the next 21 days."