Isle of Harris Distillery teams up with Essence of Harris to create sanitiser for public-facing workers in the Western Isles

With Scottish distillers up and down the country turning to making hand sanitiser to aid beleaguered health workers, Isle of Harris Distillery has become the latest name to join the list.

Published 24th Mar 2020
Updated 18 th Sep 2023

Teaming up with the island's fragrance maker, Essence of Harris, the Tarbert-based gin and whisky maker is making alcohol-based sanitiser to be given out for free to public-facing workers in the Western Isles.

READ MORE: Scots distillery creates sanitiser gel to help charities and front line services after being shocked to discover they are running low

Jamie McGowan, chief executive of fragrance makers Essence of Harris, who are leading the project, said: “I will personally deliver these bottles with my team to a wide variety of public-facing workers in the area and we will also be sending a box down to the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre. At times like these, we must work together to keep our communities as safe and healthy as possible.

"The local community here on the Island really supported me when I started my business so it is only right that I support them in a time of need.

"Public-facing workers are providing a lifeline service to our islands, for which I am hugely grateful, and my team are proud to get behind them and do our bit to help them help others.”

Simon Erlanger, managing director of Isle of Harris Distillers Ltd, said: “The Harris Distillery team is very pleased to support this important local initiative which requires high-strength alcohol as a key ingredient.

"It is vital we all keep working together to protect our community at this critical time, and we hope this donation of our spirit will play a small part in keeping our key workers and wider
family safe while we face the challenges which lie ahead."

The news follows a growing group of distillers such as Glasgow Distillery, Arbikie Distillery and Stirling Distillery, who joined the pioneering group of distilleries in Bienn an Tiurc, Deeside and Rock Rose, in creating the vital gel for Scotland's health and care services.

Scottish craft gin industry rallies to create hand sanitiser for those most in need

Caledonian Sleeper and Arbikie Highland Estate launch limited edition gin - with proceeds going to charity

Driven by a passion for all things drinks-related, Sean writes for The Scotsman extensively on the subject. He can also sometimes be found behind the bar at the world famous Potstill bar in Glasgow where he continues to enhance his whisky knowledge built up over 10 years advising customers from all over the world on the wonders of our national drink. Recently, his first book was published. Dubbed Gin Galore, it explores Scotland's best gins and the stories behind those that make them.
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