To make the smoked mackerel pate
Place the smoked mackerel, whipping cream, lemon juice and chopped dill into a blender and blend. Add a teaspoon of lemon confit and keep blending until you achieve the consistency that you desire. If it still seems too firm, you can add a little more cream and lemon juice. Remove and place in a bowl.
Season well with the cracked black pepper but remember to go easy on the salt as the smoked mackerel is already salted. Set aside.
To cook the leeks
Heat the oven to 160C/Gas Mark 3. Remove the outer leaves from the leeks and trim the root end, being careful to keep it intact as this will hold the leek together during cooking. Make two lengthways cuts through the top third of each leek to access any grit, then wash the leeks thoroughly. Drain and pat dry with kitchen paper.
Lay a large sheet of strong foil in a roasting tin. Place the leeks side by side on the foil, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Scatter over the thyme sprigs and garlic cloves, and dot with butter. Lay another sheet of foil on top then fold the edges of the two pieces of foil together to create a sealed parcel. Bake for 1 hour or until the leeks are tender.
To cook the eggs
When the leeks are ready, bring a small pan of water to the boil and cook the quails’ eggs for just two minutes. Plunge into ice cold water to stop them cooking any further, then drain well and peel off the shells.
To serve
Place two confit leeks on each plate side by side. Place a quenelle of smoked mackerel pate in the middle of the two leeks on each plate. Chop your quails’ eggs in half and place on the leeks, along with the sliced beetroot. Sprinkle the toasted buckwheat over the top and garnish with pea shoots and chervil.