Bring a large pan of water to the boil (you will need at least 4 litres for this amount of pasta) - Adding two full dessertspoons of coarse salt when water starts to boil.
Throw in the pasta about a minute after the salt.
Do NOT break the spaghetti!
When the pasta is nearly ready, shallow fry in a non stick pan the diced pancetta for only a couple minutes, it doesn't need more.
Drain the pasta and throw it in the pan together with the pancetta and continue to fry it, adding a little glug of olive oil. (The pasta needs to be just short of "al dente" when you drain it as it will continue cooking in the pan.)
Off the heat prepare a large serving bowl and lightly whisk two full eggs and one yolk with a pinch of salt and the grated cheese.
Throw the pasta sauteed with the pancetta on top of it and give it a quick mix before serving.
Season to taste with freshly ground black pepper.
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