Flora Shedden Easter recipe: Cranberry Hot Cross Buns

The newest recipe from our weekly columnist, Great British Bake Off star Flora Shedden, is an Easter recipe for Cranberry Hot Cross Buns

Published: March 25, 2016
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1 In the bowl of a free standing mixer weigh out the flour, ginger, sugar, salt, yeast and cranberries.

2 Heat the milk with the butter on a low heat until just melted. Do not allow to boil.

3 Add to the dry ingredients and knead using the dough hook attachment for 5 minutes.

4 Alternatively, knead by hand for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Transfer into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film and allow to double in size.

5 A warm place is best for this. Once proved knock back on to a lightly floured surface. Knead for a minute or so to remove all the air. Divide the dough into 12 and shape into tight balls, pinching the edges together on the bottom.

6 Arrange on a baking tray allowing enough room for them to double in size again.

7 Cover and leave for another hour or so. Preheat the oven to 200C. For the crosses mix the flour with a little milk until smooth. You want a runny but pipe-able mix. It should hold it shape.

8 Once the dough has had its second prove pipe the crosses on top and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown in colour.

9 5 minutes before the buns are ready heat the sieved jam with a little boiling water. Bring to the boil then brush liberally all over the buns the minute they come out of the oven.

Modern Scottish recipe: Cullen Skink Fish Pie from Stevie McLaughlin

10 Allow to cool for a moment before serving with a good slathering of butter and cup or tea.


Flora Shedden recipe: Brown Sugar Banana Bread

Flora Shedden recipe: Clementine Cake

Recipe: Sloans legendary macaroni cheese


  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 50 soft brown sugar
  • 7g yeast
  • pinch of salt
  • 150g dried cranberries
  • 250g whole milk
  • 50g butter
  • 3 tbsp plain flour
  • whole milk
  • 50g apricot jam or marmalade, sieved
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